Disease Management
This is routine care for medical problems such as diabetes and hypertension. It also includes visits for illness or injury. This is where you have medications refilled, lab tests ordered and referrals done. This type of visit can be done in person or via video.
Physical Examination
This is your once a year head to toe examination and ordering of all preventive care services, such as mammogram or colon cancer screening. This visit is considered preventive and does not include management of illnesses or diseases. This visit typically has no copay, but it also does not include refills of medications or referrals to specialists.
This is a special visit in preparation for surgery. This visit typically includes a health risk assessment, an EKG, and an examination of your cardiovascular system. A note is generated and sent to your surgeon so you can proceed with surgery. Any blood pressure issues will be fixed before you have surgery, if needed. This visit is not a refills or referrals visit and other medical concerns will not be addressed. A separate visit is needed for any other medical care other than the pre-op clearance. This helps us focus on your safety.
Medicare Annual Wellness Visit
This is a special visit covered once a year by Medicare. It is a Health Risk Assessment and a Personalized Prevention Plan. It is not a physical. This visit does not include labs or refills. This visit type cannot be combined with other visit types. Advance Care Planning may be done during this visit, if appropriate.